React Scroll Parallax

Mark Novelero
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Implementing parallax scrolling is an easy way to add depth, movement and professionalism to your website. It takes less than 30 minutes to set up and there’s plenty of documentation just in case you get stuck. In this blog, we will discuss how to install React Parallax Scroll and how to incorporate it into your project.

  1. Create your React project.
  2. Once your project is ready to go, install React Scroll Parallax in your terminal.

With npm:

npm i react-scroll-parallax --save

With yarn:

yarn add react-scroll-parallax

3. Create a Parallaximg.js file and import Parallax Banner to your file.

4. In the return portion of your functional component, wrap the <div></div> tags with <ParallaxBanner></ParallaxBanner>. You will style your images inside the opening <ParallaxBanner> tag. For styling options, visit the parallax documentation page at

4. In your App.js file, import the ParallaxBanner and ParallaxImport file.

5. Then structure your code with the example below. You will pass your image source as a prop to your Parallax Banner file.

